My Journey

My gymnastics journey started at CGA, Charlotte Gymnastics Academy. When I was at CGA, I enjoyed it a lot and thought of it as just some fun activity. I was always excited when we my mother was driving me to CGA, and I enjoyed being there the entire time except for the last few weeks. The only reason on why I didn’t like CGA in the last bit of time I was there, was because my coach, Coach Jonna, quit working for them.

After working with Jonna’s assistant for a bit, I switched what time I was at CGA, so that I could work with Coach J.

Coach J made you work much harder than Jonna had as he was used to coaching the boys team.

After a bit I left CGA and went to the gym, Zenith. Zenith was quite fun in the beginning but when the school year started Coach K, my then coach, was grumpy because his main job was as a teacher and his students did not listen.  

A few weeks pass and I can no longer deal with Coach K being grumpy all the time, so I look at more gyms. Before I had chosen Zenith, my mother and I had asked people for gym suggestions and Metrolina Gymnastics was one of the most recommended gyms, but no time spots were available for me. Now however, times were open, and we checked it out.

Metrolina Gymnastics Logo

I first started in a recreational class, the most advanced one. After spending some months at Metrolina, Coach Nick, my now coach, asked I wanted to join the boys team. I didn’t feel, at the time, that I was ready to compete, so I joined the pre-team. Joining the pre-team meant that I practiced and worked out with the team but didn’t compete.

I competed after a few months on pre-team and won my first ever meet.

Now I am a level seven boy whose team just won state.

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