Simone Biles

Simone Biles, the world best female gymnast, was born 1997 in Columbus Ohio, and started her gymnastics career in 2003, at the age of six.

She competed at the U.S. classic gaining her first gold medal of this year, beating Riley McCusker by 1.2 points.

Biles is most famous for her vault, a Yurchenko Double Pike. The YDP gets six points for difficulty, and Biles got a 9.466 in the Olympics for execution, for a total of 15.466 points.

 Despite what many people think, being short and wiry is the best body type for gymnastics, because if you are short, you have less mass that you need to hold up for strength skills. The reason for wiry is the same.

Simone Biles, being 4’8”, has, like, the best height for gymnastics.

While Simone Biles is best known for her Yurchenko Double Pike, she specializes in Balance Beam and has an average score of 15.378.  

One thing that most people don’t know about Simone Biles is that she has stuck with one coach since the age of eight.

While Biles is an amazing gymnast, she is still human. Little known facts about her are that she has four German Shepherds at her house and is afraid of bees.

Lastly, she has been medically diagnosed with ADHD. Think about that, the world’s best female gymnast has ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD really should not be called a disorder). If Simone Biles can become the world’s best gymnast while not being able to focus on one thing very easily, think about what you can accomplish.

Simone Biles Picture: Here

Simone Information: Here

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